NHB Helped me discover the athlete I used to be. Now my goal is for every day to be the fittest day of my life.
As I left my early twenties, my career consumed more time and became an excuse for ignoring my health. At 35 I weighed 225 pounds. That set off alarm bells in my head. I signed up for classes at NHB and never looked back.
The support and culture helped me stay the course with both my training and my eating habits. After six months I’d lost 50 lbs and greatly increased my strength and mobility. Now I’m at two and a half years and I continue to realize benefits, physical, mental and spiritual. Charles and Vanessa and NHB have made a lasting positive impact on my life. My time here is one that I will never forget. Thanks to all of you! Special shout out to Gilbert.
I’ll open with a list of what I call “CrossFit Moments” – where I do something I wouldn’t have tried to do before CrossFit. I’m sure there will be more in the future:• Enjoyed downhill skiing for more than one day.• Ran through an airport carrying my daughter, her car seat, the diaper bag, my backpack, and asuitcase.• Pushed an extremely overweight woman in a wheelchair up the jetway so that everyone couldget off the plane.• Did a pull-up to reach a poster than needed to be taken down at a conference.• Pushed a stranger’s stalled car across a busy street into a parking lot.• Lifted my wife off the floor when she hurt her back.• Chased a purse snatcher.• Ran a 10k.
CrossFit has enabled me to achieve a level of fitness and health that I wouldn’t previously have thought possible for me. My waist is the same size as when I started, but I’ve gained 25 lbs. Though I enjoy the newfound strength and stamina, I attach a greater importance to the confidence and improved mental acumen that come with physical fitness and accomplishment. I do spend less time at my desk, but I get more done while I’m there.
I had childhood asthma, so from an early age, I simply gave up when confronted with significant physical challenges. As I grew up, I outgrew the asthma and got in somewhat better shape, but I faced common obstacles: I couldn’t get myself to stick with a workout routine. Because CrossFit uses scheduled classes, I have to build it into my schedule, and because of the social reinforcement of doing the same workout with the same people, I tend to go even on the days I don’t want to. While the workouts are intense, the point is to develop skills, which really isn’t how I thought of working out before CrossFit. I now enjoy the technical aspects: thinking about technique, pace, and power output keeps my mind engaged as I track goals.
Most important was the community atmosphere at NHB, where everyone has encouraged me, and so many different kinds of people are able to participate. There’s really no excuse not to come try it.
I first started doing Crossfit regularly on January 4, 2015. The thing I like most about training is that the workouts are as hard as you make them. You could come in and do a half assed job and not really work up a sweat or you can come in and go as hard as you can until your body tells you to stop. When I was first starting out I didn’t complete the assigned work out in the time allotted but realized it wasn’t a big deal to me because I did put forth 110% effort.
The WODs or “workout of the day” for all you non-cross fitters out there LOL, were pretty simple movements like push ups, sit ups and squatting just to name a few. When I tried to do these “simple” movements I realized not only how weak and out of shape I was, but that in a zombie apocalypse I would have totally died in two seconds flat. Really all jokes aside, I decided I wanted to live a long time and still be able to get around at age 90. Go for a long hikes, climb up a mountain, or swim with my great grandchildren. You can’t do that if you need a walker to get around.
After a year of going at least three times a week I have become stronger, faster and have much more endurance. Now don’t get me wrong, I am not benching 200 pounds, I still cannot run a complete mile without stopping, but I know as long as I keep going on a consistent basis I will be healthier and happier. There are days when it is so hard to get into the gym, but I do it because I know after that workout I’m going to feel so much better, especially mentally.
I started keeping a crossFit journal to keep track of weights I used and how long it took me to do the workouts. That way I’m only in competition with myself and it feels good to see me getting stronger and faster in black and white.
There’s no way I could do it without self discipline, the support of awesome coaches and fellow cross-fitters that are here with me at NHB.
I started crossfit in April 2010 with a sore back and unrealistic perspective of my true lack of fitness. But from the first humbling workout, 6 months ago, I haven’t looked back. A big part of this is the team environment which is both fun and motivating. Over the last six months I have dropped 55 lbs, done my first hand stand, gained tons of energy, and a new perspective on my physical abilities. The best part is that I can play and run with my kids and almost have as much energy as they do.
I was never a huge workout fanatic, I had the occasional membership to 24 hour fitness but after a while I found myself getting bored of doing the same old stuff over and over and never seeing any real results. Eventually I just stopped working out entirely until NHB moved in next door to where I worked. Matt came in and introduced himself and explained the benefits of Crossfit, I have to admit at first I was very skeptical and thought there was absolutely no way I could do what I had seen those crazy people next door doing! I was right at first, the very first workout I did I couldn’t finish and I swore right then and there I would never do that again! After a day’s rest I decided to give it another ago and have been hooked ever since. It’ll be 2 years in May and I still love every minute of it, I know that at the end of the day I feel 100 times better than I did when I walked into the gym that day and owI am so thankful for the coaches and their continuous support and I am grateful to be a part of the NHB family. No matter what a person’s fitness level everyone is always so willing to give support and encouragement to others, you won’t find that at any 24 hour fitness. Thanks to Crossfit I feel happier and stronger than I did when I first walked in the door to NHB 2 years ago, Crossfit it a part of who I am now and I love it!
Wow! What an incredible evolution in terms or fitness, stamina and everyday functional movement. I used to go to the YMCA and had gotten quite bored with the routine. I ran the Chevron half marathon in 2006. Just six months ago I could not run more that a quarter mile before my knees started to really bother me. I have gone from not being able to run to having the fastest mile time in the gym amongst other personal records. Crossfit has rehabilitated my knees. Crossfit has opened my eyes to what is physically possible. Thank you NHB specifically Charles and his knowledge and passion for nutrition, proper form and perseverance. This is not like paying for a regular gym membership. This is coaching/personal training every time you go to workout. This is camaraderie with your fellow gym members. This is the best shape of your life.
55 years old
25 years / no exercise
When I attended my first NHB Crossfit session in July 2010 I was astounded by what I saw (and felt). It was not just the physical “capabilities” of the class of participants, but their energy, motivation, and enthusiasm to get the most from their workout. Equally important, there was a team spirit that was infectious. People were working together to help each other get the most out of their workout. As a new comer, I was immediately welcomed and helped through the challenging and rigorous exercises which are done together as a group. Nothing I had ever done working out “at the gym” could come close to this experience. Every pore on my body was sweating during the class – like no other workout I’d ever known. It was exhilarating. It was also exhausting. For the past twelve months, I have never been disappointed. The trainers are superb – not just technically –but as teachers and friends. They care about our health, our safety, and our desire to get the most out of ourselves. I continue to enhance my progress regarding skill and form which are critical to minimizing injuries – especially for those of us who are “middle-aged” – and to maximizing performance (and fun).It doesn’t stop here. In twelve months, I have never had two workouts that are exactly the same. “Boring” is a term that does not apply. The mix, pace, and rhythm of exercises are always different in new and challenging ways. Strength, endurance, coordination and balance are just a few of the many skills that are emphasized to build whole-body fitness. Because all classes are walk-in, the class participants are varied as are their skill levels.There is nothing like NHB Crossfit. Thanks to all the wonderful instructors that I have come to respect and admire. I am honored to be part of the NHB Crossfit team of participants. They may be ordinary people from all walks of life, but there is nothing ordinary about their motivation, their spirit, or their zest to be the best they can be – and to get the most out of life every day.
I started to crossfit in December last year because I mainly wanted to be skinny and I was over the gym, it was the some ole same ole. But crossfit was unlike anything I had tried before. I have never sweat like this in a gym. I never had to push myself so hard to finish a workout and have people busting their tails right next to me. It was encouraging and I wanted to stick with it and I have. I was wearing a 14/16 when I started at NHB and now I am down to a 8/10. When I started I wanted to be skinny and it was a number but now I want to be strong and lean. I don’t care what number that is because the fat is burning off. I am stronger and faster than when I started and I know I still have a ways to go but I love it.
My story is a very simple one, but perhaps familiar to others. As a middle aged wife and mom, I began the journey of getting healthy back in March of 2010. With the support of Weight Watchers meetings and a dear friend I learned how to eat healthy and to use portion control for weight loss. In a little over sixteen months, I was able to reach my goal of losing 107 pounds!!! Though I was thrilled with this accomplishment, it left me feeling surprisingly dissatisfied with my overall physical strength, and stamina. I knew I still needed to exercise, but I had never done any physical activities due to my painful struggle with Psoriatic Arthritis. Frankly, I thought the Arthritis would get better because of the weight loss, but it didn’t.In January 2012, at the gentle nudging of yet another dear friend, I attended my first trial class at NHB CrossFit. I don’t think I would ever be able to put into words how scared I was that first night. Fortunately, Charles and all the coaches assured me that CrossFit was for anyone, even ME! I was quickly convinced of their expertise and sincerity. The coaches were so supportive and patient in their instruction, that I knew I was in good hands. They recognized strengths in me that I never would have. I had never played sports, had a gym membership, and quite frankly, can’t even dance! They started me out slow, always focusing on proper technique with minimal weight. This helped me build confidence and experience successes early on. I was HOOKED! It was also in that very first class that I experienced the excitement of being around all of the other athletes. They were patient, welcoming, and genuinely helpful to the “newbie”. I was essentially assured that my current level of fitness was irrelevant IF I always give it my best and never give up. I have also been exposed to an abundance of instructional information on Paleo “clean” eating. The Paleo lifestyle is one that has been so easy to incorporate into my life. My whole family has reaped its rewards.My story would not be complete without mentioning one of the most special parts. Upon learning the HERO WOD’s were named for fallen heroes, it really put so many things into perspective for me. I cannot help but feel honored to continue my quest for healthier living. As I celebrate my 47th birthday this month, I am more motivated than ever to continue the CrossFit journey . There are no excuses for not doing the absolute best for myself and my family. Thanks to Charles and all the coaches at NHB, I have finally found my own personal recipe for success.
I have been a Crossfitter for 4 months now. I have always been active, and even worked at a gym in college, but have never encountered anything quite like Crossfit. About a year ago, I needed to get back into shape again, having just had my third baby. After my first two children, I was able to get back in shape through a lot of effort, frustration, and boring workouts at 24 hour fitness. I officially started in March 2012 and I love coming to the box every time I get the chance! I love the training I get from the coaches (so I know how to do things correctly, instead of guessing on my own like I used to), and the variety of exercises we get to do. I also love the community support and encouragement of our NHB “family”, and the way Crossfit makes me do so much more than I would on my own.We also have embraced the Paleo lifestyle, since the last Paleo challenge. I had always had problems with my blood sugar spiking and dropping, but since we started eating Paleo, it has been much more stable (and I’ve lost 10 lbs). I am enjoying finding and preparing new recipes for my family, knowing they are so much better for us.
I was born in Colombia, and I moved to the U.S. six years ago. Crossfit revealed itself to me in 2010 after I had my son, Adrian, and my brother in-law, Charles, opened NHB. The first few workouts were very intense and I wasn’t quite sure if crossfit and I were meant to be. However, watching and hearing people talking about their crossfit experiences and testimonies, made me realize that I wanted to do something challenging in order to be more healthy, strong, and back in shape.In March 2012, my husband Scott and I decided to take on the Paleo Challenge, and during those six weeks of eating on the paleo diet and being consistent in the gym, we both fell in love with feeling more energetic and overall more healthy. Our one to two days a week WOD fix turned into three and four, but this wouldn’t have happened without the amazing support, and help from the wonderful NHB coaches, family, and fellow crossfitters.Today after almost nine months of eating better and pushing myself hard in every wod, I can say that Crossfit-Paleo lifestyle has been one of greatest experience I’ve ever had and to do this for myself and my family make me keep going and think that it’s not only a challenge, but also a fun journey to stick with it. I have no doubt that crossfit has helped me to become a better person in many aspects; since I started it I am physically and mentally in the best shape of my life, therefore, i feel more alive than ever, and also grateful to be part of this beautiful family called NHB CROSSFIT.
I was born in Oregon but raised in Katy Texas. I started working out when I was 10 and I just loved the challenge. I play baseball. My Uncle Oscar convinced me to work out so we started going to 24 hour fitness. We got bored of the gym pretty quick because we didn’t know what to do every day and we needed help working out. We did get our family to go to 24 hour fitness.When my uncle Oscar told me about cross fit and showed me a YouTube video on cross fit, I was both scared and excited about my first day of cross fit. This summer I tried cross fit for the first time and instantly fell in love with the extreme workout. I walked in and instantly was greeted by Charles, Pam, and Zippy. Everyone was helpful and VERY nice, supportive and friendly. NHB cross fit has impacted my life in a big way, before going to cross fit I couldn’t even run a mile and I ate crap constantly. Now I can run a mile in under 9 minutes, deadlift 115 pounds and my max vertical jump is 22 inches. My goals are to be able to climb the rope, do pull ups without the band and complete multiple hand stand push-ups. Me and my uncle Oscar want to compete in a triathlon and do the MS 150 next year. Cross fit has impacted my life in so many ways like when we did a ‘workout’ of 5 push-ups 10 crunches and 15 squats we had 5 minutes to finish the workout, I completed the workout in 1 minute and accidently yelled TIME but I was in PE at school not cross fit. My goal is to always finish before my uncle Oscar and to get my whole family involved in cross fit and one day as adult is to compete in the cross fit games.
I have always been the big kid as far back as I can remember. At my heaviest, age 35, I reached 340 lbs. I suffered from sleep apnea, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and was diabetic all due to my weight. My doctor urged me to lose weight and my nephew Jacob, who is always keeping me busy doing everything possible he can think of, also asked me one day if I was ok after we went on a long bike ride. I was really tired and felt horrible. I felt like I was having a heart attack. That was my wake up call to do something with my health. I still haven’t had any of my own children to enjoy and at this rate I feel I wouldn’t have been alive long enough to see that happen.Jacob and I started going to 24hr fitness and I was watching what I ate. I got bored quick and I was too heavy to do anything without always ending up with back and knee pain. So I decided to do the Gastric Bypass. It was done 6/07/12 and my weight on day of surgery was 340 lbs. The morning of surgery I told my surgeon Dr. Garth Davis, who is an avid triathlon athlete, that I would be racing him. He laughed and said he looks forward to it. When I was cleared to lift weight, 3 weeks after surgery, Jacob and I went back to 24hr fitness and we got bored real quick.I heard of crossfit from officers that come by the shop so I called that box and was told that Jacob was too young for their box. I then called NHB and spoke with Charles. He said that Jacob could work out with me and that he would benefit from crossfit. We both went together sometime in July 2012. We met Charles and he told us to try it for a week and that it would never get easier. It hasn’t, but the results are incredible. My doctor asked what was I doing because my weight loss and muscle gain are way ahead of schedule.Fast forward to October. I can actually run and I am doing things that I never could have dreamed possible. With crossfit every workout is a challenge. Everybody at the box is so supportive it’s like a family away from your family. The fact that I can see my nephew’s strength, endurance, and his whole personality change because of crossfit, makes it worth the pain. His goal is to always beat me. We’re still trying to convince my wife and Jacob’s family to join us and one day we will drag them out. My current weight is 210 lbs.